Kenneth Cooke | Creative Director


Design Blog

Thoughts & Musings

Brand Blunders: A Guide to Dodging Common Branding Pitfalls

When it comes to rebranding, there are three shortcuts you absolutely want to steer clear of:

  1. Half-baked Research: If you think you can wing it without diving deep into market research, you're in for a rude awakening. Without a solid understanding of your audience and their needs, your rebranding efforts are as good as shooting in the dark.

  2. Internal Disconnect: Your internal team isn't just there to push papers. They're your frontline soldiers in this rebranding battle. Fail to get them onboard, and you might as well kiss your brand's future goodbye.

  3. Branding Whiplash: Consistency is key. If your messaging, visuals, and customer experience aren't in alignment, you're going to leave your audience scratching their heads. And trust me, confused customers don't stick around for long.

There you have it. Three rebranding blunders you'll want to avoid.

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